オーガニックコットンローン"TANABATA"スカーフ・シャンパーニュ [手洗いOK] [514178CO-14]

オーガニックコットンローン"TANABATA"スカーフ・シャンパーニュ [手洗いOK] [514178CO-14]

販売価格/ Price in JP Yen: 14,300(税込)

色番・色名/ Colors 選択
14-Champagne シャンパーニュ

販売価格/ Price in JP Yen: 14,300(税込)

数量: 枚/ piece(s)

商品詳細/ Description

Organic Cotton Origami Scarf


お手入れ方法: 手洗い、または、ドライクリーニング

This scarf uses organic cotton lawn woven in Japan using Swiss-made high-quality fine count cotton yarn. Featuring the
intricate net design of the origami ornament for the traditional star festival, Tanabata, this is the basic design that is also
popular at world-renowned museum shops abroad. Made of fine fabric, the scarf has a natural soft texture and can be washed by hand.

Care Instructions: Hand Wash or Dry Clean.
Use Neutral Detergent for hand wash. Iron over a cloth laid on the scarf.
Use a mesh laundry bag. Handle it with special care when wearing it.

商品仕様/ Specifications

サイズ/ Size 53x130cm
品質/ Quality コットン100%/ Cotton 100%
原産国/ Country of Origin 日本/ JAPAN

配色/ Colors